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Kids Classes

Kids Capoeira Program

Open your child’s eyes to a world of movement, music & culture!

Capoeira is a fantastic opportunity for kids to be exposed to a unique blend of martial arts, music, culture and camaraderie.

Children of all ages can benefit from the fun and friendly atmosphere that not only provides a challenging aerobic and acrobatic workout, but helps kids develop their confidence and self esteem.

Capoeira involves movement utilizing the entire body developing strength, coordination and flexibility.

Kids also get a chance to play traditional Capoeira instruments and learn to sing traditional Capoeira songs in Portuguese.

Littles Capoeira
5-7 years old class

In this class, the focus in on fun! Students began to learn basic kicks and dodges and start to practice being upside down. We play a lot of games, sing and play music in these classes. This is a great base for all kids, not only for future capoeira classes but to learn how to participate in a group, follow instructions, creatively use what they learn and to grow into their own athleticism.

Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:00 – 6:00pm


Beginning/ Intermediate
8–12 years old class

This class is for new and continuing students. Students will become very familiar with the names of movements learn how to play some of the capoeira instruments and sing traditional capoeira songs in Portuguese. Focus is on becoming a proficient capoeirista through games and excersises and more advanced training.

Mondays & Wednesdays
5:00 – 6:00pm

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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